Raspberry Pi Mpeg 2 Crackheads

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the rumor mill has it that xbox 2's name has been picked. the new console will be called xbox next, according to several websites. most point to the fact that microsoft apparently registered the url xboxnext.com, though that really doesn't prove a thing. though the name is not 100 percent, the fact that xbox is getting a sequel has been for a while, with gates saying that it will pre-empt sony's ps3 (rumored for a 2005 release). also, there are reports out there–don't ask where, they're just out there–that the xbox is getting shrunk down for a re-release later this year. i wonder if they'll call it “mini xbox?” of course we all know that a funky green machine is set to come out later this year as well.

The point of buying the license keys is to enable hardware decoding of MPEG-2 and VC-1 — see Why does the Raspberry Pi need a MPEG-2 licence? For more information on why you might want this. While there was much rejoice recently at the patents expiring for MPEG-2, this makes little difference to Pi users, it seems.

user comments 237 comment(s)

by eta hinin

it's a outdated pc that only plays x-box games. wow. my pc is way faster and online gaming is free. my gc fullfils my tv console gaming. i don't need the extra crap. have you even seen how gorgeous the gc graphics are?? thought not, so shut it moron!!! by anythig but x-box

(1:45pm est thu jan 09 2003)
(ps2?) and everything before that. yes, your pc is faster, but the xbox does only games, and therefore probably does it better because it's specialized. your pc has to do games and everything else. by true logic
by doi

the microsoft boondogle box
the box that time forgot
washington jones and the box of doom.
starbox 4 “a new hope”
starbox 2 “the wrath of customers”
and much much more……

by rax

5. the next xbox will be able to record tv shows on the hdd.
by eta hinin
by robguy
by tragic jones
by geek7of9
by smart marketing
compatible(2:38pm est thu jan 09 2003)
it seems that microsoft doesn't want to leave anything out when it comes to their console (hence the ethernet connector, hd, etc).

i really doubt that they wouldn't take sony's idea for backwards compatibility and apply it to the next xbox. it's just too good of an idea to pass up. by rocketpig

i like the name(3:27pm est thu jan 09 2003)
by archerb
ps2 compared to a computer(3:58pm est thu jan 09 2003)
the ps2 has a 250mhz risc chip, like the ones used in powerpc's, it came out in 97, thats 5 years old, and a mac chip. it has 8 megs video ram, and 2 megs sound ram and 32 megs system ram, if you buy the hard drive and linux kit, you have a 5 year old mac with linux, which you install on them, it has a graphics chip developed by toshiba who i don't think know anything about the desktop accelerators. i may be mistaken on some specs, but mostly confident. by nueromancer
m$ gets upset over…(4:16pm est thu jan 09 2003)
trade names and then uses next. why not call it xbox oricle, xbox aol, xbox solaris, or xbox mac? lindows should win against m$ over the term windows, or these glass rectangles on my house need a new name. x-windows predates m$ by years. by video gamer
microsoft e-book cracked, next xbox(4:59pm est thu jan 09 2003)
microsoft e-book software cracked

the xbox is next to be cracked. by linux on xbox soon

they should call it:(5:04pm est thu jan 09 2003)
gamecube's bitch or gcb for short. by gcrox
ps2(5:05pm est thu jan 09 2003)
i believe its a 233 mhz proc in the ps2
either way the fact is xbox is too powerful they cant even design a game to take advantage of all the power xbox holds ms needs to think harder about software before they make a enw console. ms is also starting to release a lot of much better software and porting a lot of stuff from ps2 and pc. xbox will get the licensing for all the movies and the hardcore games like doom3 cuz it would be too hard to create such intense graphical games on a machine like ps2 which quite frankly… sucks. ps2 is good at running ps2 games but i wanna see what would happen to a doom3 port on to ps2… rofl thats a joke by h-_0`
ps2 sux0rz(5:42pm est thu jan 09 2003)
ps2 had some nice games last year, and they have a few this year coming out, but xbox is catching up and will probably dominate this year with titles like, halo2, doom3, duke nukem forever, midtown madness 3, return to castel wolfenstein, and the games rare has on the block for this year. this is probably the year where you will see a shift in the powerhouses, and next year will look like opposite day of 2002 with regards to ps2 and xbox. game cube? come on. i wouldn't give that machine a second thought if it dropped below $100. it's a kids machine with kids games. by anonymous coward
xbox is more fun(5:57pm est thu jan 09 2003)
i have a modded xbox with a 120 gig hard drive. i can boot any one of twenty games for xbox i have on the hard drive. i can go to blockbuster and rent any xbox game i want and rip it to the hard drive to add to my collection, then return it. i can boot xbox media player and stream my divx movies, music, and pictures off of a hard drive on my pc downstairs. i can boot linux and run windows 2000 with vmware, or play with xwindows. i can load mame and run any one of 2300+ games i have on rom. i can boot my snes emulator and play 50+ classic snes games. i can boot my genisis emulator and play 20+ roms i have for that. i can play gba games, nes games, c64 games, amiga games. i haven't downloaded the other emulators out there, but i can do all this stuff with my xbox. gc and ps2, what have you got. good games?, hehe that's a relative question. splinter cell is my favorite game right now. i am happy with xbox. by xboxman
re: xboxman(6:52pm est thu jan 09 2003)
this might interest you.

by lmao

re: lmao(7:23pm est thu jan 09 2003)
whoa!!! that's a little too extream for me. i want to keep my components inside the machine. lol
by xboxman
xbox(9:19pm est thu jan 09 2003)
well most of you have missed the point completely. xbox is not the best selling console around so its a failure….no microsoft are not playing the short term they are playing for the long term. they do not care that they have not beaten sony this time, i bet they never thought they would. they are gunning for the place under the tv. pc's are not going to be the computers of the future. the box under the tv is going to be the dvd(blue ray) player, digital tv recorder, computer, games console, internet hub and what ever else can be squezzed in. that is what microsoft are gunning for and will get because they have money to lose to win in the future. look at direct x. everyone used to hate it. now graphics cards have to have dx 9 compliance. xbox and xbox 2 are only a stepping stone to dominance of the home.

ps this is why sony are there too by uk geek

inet-vu mobile satellite internet (9:48pm est thu jan 09 2003)
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by – by – by luka

bill gates(10:03pm est thu jan 09 2003)
to bill …….

your products are soooooooo boring and unreliable. i wouldnt count on that money being around 4ever.
the bigger they are the harder they fall.

someday your money will be worthless.

by wouldntownmicrosoft

other names 2(10:54pm est thu jan 09 2003)
how about
the box formally known as xbox
xboxxp.net.dme.bsod by gumbo
in the meantime….(12:35am est fri jan 10 2003)
tomb raider for ps2 looks awesome!! and its only available for ps2… oh darn. sorry x-flop. by :p
xbox = bad design(1:59am est fri jan 10 2003)
“…that the xbox is getting shrunk down for a re-release later this year”

it wouldn't need a remake if it wasn't such a bad design in the first place. by old street fighter

hmm(2:00am est fri jan 10 2003)
what about they register wwiii box so that when america with its extreme stupidity starts wwiii m$ can claim royalties every time it's mentioned. by bill hates.u
microsoft world domination plan.(4:06am est fri jan 10 2003)

step one: steal underpants.
step two: …………….
step three: *>>profit*!!! by onionhumor

more like.(4:08am est fri jan 10 2003)
step 1: produce xbox
step 2: lose lots of money
step 3: produce 'xbox next'
step 4: lose even more money

step 9238723: >>profit !!! by hahaha.
well…(4:55am est fri jan 10 2003)
atari plays better than xbox. by spaceinvadersfan
if they wanted a name.(5:01am est fri jan 10 2003)
how about…


(with pump controler!)

('bout the right size for a 14″ family meat feast)

(m$ internal name for the xbox2 project)

(free poison injection with every order)

(in this case it would probably have to be covered in ginger pubes!)

or, they could go for the throat and call it what it looks like…

a box.

by spacca

the xbox shrinking down…(5:48am est fri jan 10 2003)
seems that ms is forced to listen to our complaints. ms is in a frivolous attempt to reduce it's 'loss' on xbox, so it has no choice but to learn how to listen to us guys.

hey microsoft, that's a good move made on xbox next. it is a good move, regardless, since you will probably be sony's only serious competitor (nintendo appears to be further divulging on the other path, capturing its own market.) the market under playstation/xbox is plenty large enough to continue to be divided for the time being.

by affez pow

you trolls(11:08am est fri jan 10 2003)
when microsoft released xbox it said it would take 2-3yrs. for it to start making profit, so far it has been out for 1 1/4 years. so many people hear think xbox sucks. why does it suck? because you hate microsoft? i bet you people don't even play console games by dask
unreal(11:11am est fri jan 10 2003)
can you get unreal for ps2, ummm… no
same for doom iii when it comes out by frank
graphics card(1:26pm est fri jan 10 2003)
with nvidia losing money with the xbox , why does everyone asume that they will produce the graphics card for it.

as for ps3 the ps3 specs are only for cpu about 100 tikes more than a p4, sony may licence nvdia or ati graphics card for it.
by luci

can someone say sega !!!(1:28pm est fri jan 10 2003)
i'll put my money down that the xbox 2 …next … whatever it will be called will end up the same ill fate as the dreamcast. it will last x amount of months and will be driven out by the ps3. i have nothing bad to say about the xbox (other then the controllers suck and that it's bigger then my vcr and dvd player) other then that it's a nice system. only one thing, no games ! all the cool games are on ps. the dreamcast was a better system on paper, but once again lost out due to poor marketing and not to many great games.
i think that sony is out for keeps and will release a monster of a system and have the backing of games to go with it.
i guess time will tell…. by ps3forever!
xbox of course(4:50pm est fri jan 10 2003)
its amazing how much people know about the xbox when they claim they hate it.

playstation is better because of its superior design? bahahahahaha, better games? bahahahaha

lets get real, you simply hate microsoft because of its dominace in the pc world and it simply sickens you to see a console with the microsoft name stamped all over it.

i own the xbox, ps2 and the tiny little gc.

gc, so far all i have really seen that half way impresses me is metriod prime, other than that can we say kiddie?

playstation2 needs to be shelved and redesigned.

lets face memory cards are a cheap @$$ design flaw.

so lets all talk bad about a design that took more than 15minutes to put together. so its doing bad fanicially, can you say sega? at least bill is in it for the long run. shut your yaps and break out your old crappy ps2. by kizer

i like the idea of the next.box(5:40pm est fri jan 10 2003)
i wonder why? by next362″
you'll see…(1:20am est sat jan 11 2003)
when ps3 and xbox2 go head to head in 2005. ps3 will completely terminate xflop. i dont hate ms i dont hate xbox. they just didnt do it right. they dont have the games. you xbox fools are thinking the opposite. hardware over content when in actuality its content over hardware. something xbox/ms has missed all along.

there's no doubt that ps3 will ravage xbox's next console. sorry but xbox live will not save xbox's future either. by :p

rumors abound…(1:29am est sat jan 11 2003)
that xbox next name might be…

(since halo was the only good game it had in a year'n half)

(since it was bigger than my coffee table)

(made out of crimpled paper) so its not as heavy as it's predecessor

by hahaha!!!

nextbox live(5:16pm est sat jan 11 2003)
xbox live will sell a whole lot of xbox's & usher in new broadband subscribers (if they can afford it). what ms should do is reduce their msn broadband service to $25 or $30 a month & throw in a free xbox (with the woman & little childrens controller, that of which all xbox's come with now) & xbox live & they will have a real winner on their hands. most xbox games coming out this year will no doubt have some type of xbox live compatabilty whether it be the downloading of new content, or just more playgrounds to trash talk on! i'm very optomistic about the xbox, & it seems to me that all who don't like the xbox are people (fanboys) who hate ms. open your eyes & stop bragging on the ps3 when it hasn't even debuted! the ps2 is only 2 years old & you ps2 fanboys are already talking up the ps3. what's the matter, the ps2 isn't all that you though it would be after seeing what the gamecube & xbox could do? i like my ps2, but i realized it was a peice of crap compared to the xbox when i played max payne on xbox as a demo after having seen it on pc & read reviews of how close it was to the original pc version (yes i'm still complaining about it, & i don't know if i'll ever get over my ps2 bubble being bursted by an american console made by ms). i had bought it for my ps2 thinking that “it's ps, of course it's going to be the best port amongst all the consoles”, but i was wrong. by william foster
great name (1:39pm est mon jan 13 2003)
i have agreat name for the xbox2.how about windexbox grafix so clear you can see through them.haa!!as alf would say by thumbprint
the xbox(4:47pm est mon jan 13 2003)
who gives a f**k about the ps2 it is sorry to the xbox i maen the gamecube looks better in graphic than ps2 and the ps2 can't do hafe the sh*t the xbox can . im for the xbox 100% by xbox lover

Raspberry Pi 2 Download

shut up (7:21pm est mon jan 13 2003)
xbox graphic kick everyones ass ps2 sucks sony was behind in graphics with ps1 and ps2 xbox lover i'm with you all the way. by none of your bisness
ps3(4:40pm est tue jan 14 2003)
the ps3 ha ha ha like its going 2 do any better in graphics or anything like ps2 its going 2 fall and crumble and b a forgottin thing of the past.and 2 all yall people that say that the x aint selling thats a lie because every body i no and i no lots the #1 thing on they christmas list was the xbox by xbox lover
xbox is the best(7:13pm est tue jan 14 2003)
sorry but ps2 is the cheapest system out their cheapoo graphics i was playing gta3 and it was new and the cheap thing froze my ass gott up and returned that cheap thing and got an xbox no prob since i got the xbox advantage and rememer ps2 lovers thier is no power greater than the xxxxxbbbooooxxxx by xbest
xbest(7:18pm est tue jan 14 2003)
anyone have anything too say by xbest
atari lives(7:36pm est tue jan 14 2003)
i use my xbox as a door stop by whammo
xbox rocks(9:18pm est tue jan 14 2003)
if you can mod your xbox and play emulators on it such as a ps1 and play ps1 games, soon there will be a ps2 emulator and you can play ps2 games on pc and xbox. when this is the case i ask all of you playstation lovers of what value is there in owing a ps2? none none what so ever!!!!!!!!! by ice
u idiots…(8:42pm est wed jan 15 2003)
of course xbox is going to look better in terms of graphics than a ps2. it launched like 2 years later. heck if it didnt, ms would have a problem. but that's not really the issue since all of you lame xbust owners keep ranting on and on about your fabulous clunky machine that you forgot about content. now can we say that ms release xbox in order to be no. 1? or no. 3? but than again all the teenagers posting on this forum never heard the terminology “dont judge a book by its cover”.

i'd played the xbox, yeah it looks clean and nice visually but it lacks hard content. if xbox is so great than why is a company like eidos releasing tomb raider 4 only for ps2??? have you even seen the demo trailer?? sure beats halo by light years in terms of concept and innovation.

and on to the future. ps3 will go head to head with xbox 2. they will be launched at the same time and trust me. ps3 will ravage xbust2 in terms of sales and quality games. sure you xbox owners will get halo 3 but that's all you've been bragging about for the last year'n half.

its also funny how ms will relaunch xbox in a smaller unit. lol. i guess to many people were complaining about the frig sitting on their coffee table.

i already here the “funeral march” for the xbox. by :p

re: :p(9:28am est thu jan 16 2003)
hello my ps2 lovin' friend! oh btw, the xbox & gc debuted 1 year & 1 month after the ps2 (not 2 years). to be honest about the “ps3 vs xbox2” war, nobody knows what's going to happen. you obviously think or know that there is going to be an xbox2 when all along you've been saying that ms was going to throw in the towel (regarding xbox) like sega did with their last 3 or 4 consoles. and you never know about the big n, they're probably plotting their last stand with their next console in the works (i don't know if they have one, but n has always been very secretive about this kinda stuff) that would blow both the ps3 & the xbox2 out of the water. xbox live is already awesome, so will sony adopt the same game plan the next time around? and what if ms does decide to throw in the towel like sega? then the console video game industry will be dominated by only one company, sony with their ps3. there won't be any competition, so we will have to pay boat loads of money for so so games. as long as ms supports their console & keep the innovation & good games coming, then sony had better make sure they can keep the same reputation with their ps3! i still don't get it why people keep complaining about the size of the xbox console & the “man” controller which no longer comes with the xbox. i live in america, not japan! we have plenty of room here! plenty of room for the japanese & terrorists! welcome to america! by william foster
re: :p(9:32am est thu jan 16 2003)
btw, about tomb raider 4… i think the reason why eidos is making it for ps2 only is because they probably have a contract with sony similar to rockstars. also, (i might get flamed by xbox, ps2, & gc owners alike) i've always found the tomb raider series very boring, that's why i never bought the first 3. even my 12 year old nephew thinks tomn raider “sucks & is boring”. i agree with him totally. by william foster
corrections(9:34am est thu jan 16 2003)
tomn = tomb (typos are suck & are boring too). by william foster
c'mon…(1:20pm est thu jan 16 2003)
ms has thrown in the towel with xbox 1. regardless if xbox fails, video game prices will remain steady. its still the same before xbox arrived and it will be the same when xbox exits.

games have gone up in prices not due to competition but the amount of resources it takes to develope one. developers need to make a profit too.

we may prefer a different genre in games but tomb raider is still one of the best franchise in the video game industry. and most teenagers prefer to just blow things up instead of using their mind to solve an enigma.

people are complaining about the “size” of the console because a lot of kids whose hands hasnt evolved to adult “size” cant really grip one that well. it has nothing to do with where we live. so you live in america…well xbox isnt made in america.

xbox live has 250,000 subscribers out of how many owners?? in the millions right? those numbers arent too good if you ask me.

ps3 will dominate. its the like the war with iraq. its inevitable my friend.

by :p

cant we get along?(what's entertainment?)(9:44pm est thu jan 16 2003)
i jst went thru this whole entire page top to bottom…it started jan 13th @ 1:23 pm…when i got bored of seeing people reject all of what takes money and time to do…i kept going…im only 15 yrs old…got the xbox last year, my hands weren't to small…so whoever has owned sega's dc, itz about the same size…n64 wuz koo til ps came out, whut happened after that like 2.5 yrs later…oh ya ps2, stocked up on games and ppl bought them…the industries do have to make money for products and bills and shit…but they are also entertaining us…i frst started hearing bad shit about the xbox, ps2, and gc when gc came out…like a short while after the cubes launch…now i assume(which is risky for me) that ppl started this after they were told xbox was comming out or the cube…and so on and so forth, it happened in the ancient world of atari and nintendo, what happened to atari…i dunno cus i was only 5 when they stopped makin their consoles…they still make games tho, twsurfin – snowboardin – some racing games theat were or are ok now. but im tryin to make a point, im not god, but its worth a try to even things out, the people make the products.and the products take over they're lives, im not perfectly fit but i get out often, im not the only one but whoever looks @ this stuff and then goes to play they're entertainment system to make themselves feel confident and better, they got some issues…u can diss this one cuz i may be young, or that i admit i aint neutritionally healthy, but jst think about how stupid it is to fight about sumting dats coming out in like 2.5 years, wait until there's like a month left until launch date…not now!!! by jst a guy who thinks
cockiness (me)(9:59pm est thu jan 16 2003)
i got too cocky in my beginning but i wuz jst tryin to make a point. sry for inconvenience or however u spell that word…i jst proved there im not smart either…i jst kno facts and whats goin on around me…i get new things every year, consoles previously owned were:
atari – age 5
genisis – age 6
add on ^sega cd^ – age 7 (bro's gift)
n64 – age 9
gameshark for n64 – age 10 (bro's gift)
dreamcast – age 12
xbox – age 14

next consoles i wanna own:
ps3 – age 17.8
sexbox – age 17.85 by jst the same guy

silly people(1:09pm est sun jan 26 2003)
microsoft people: yes, your graphics kick ass and you can do an ass load of stuff that we can't do. but, your sales as of right now are sucking. don't worry cause you have an ass load of money coming out of… well. your ass. unfortunatly, you guys only have a maximum of 3 games that i thought about that actually look pretty good(well rounded ones that have good story lines and gameplay as well as graphics). this is where you fail. games.
sony people: your graphics suck ass, but then, so did the ps one and that still kicked! why? cause your games kicked ass, thats why. ps2 has a huge library of games, thats your only good point. other than that, the whole memory card thing was good for its time. perhaps a new hard drive though? even compatibility with the memory sticks would be good. but, alas, people still want something pretty to look at. this is where sony fails, cost(of 3rd party things like memory cards, stands, ect.) and graphics.
nintendo people: i'm embarassed to say this, but yes, i do enjoy your child like games cause… well… they are fun. it's nice to take a break from all the violence and relax to the great graphics of game cube. here's a hint to nintendo, stop changing your format. it's just like sega. cause they alway tried to come out with something new against nintendo, but nothing was ever compatible. you can't play a sega saturn games on a dream cast, ect. your controller sucks also. whatever happend to the n64 controller which was different from the ps controller? you're also lucky that the gc out in different colors.
pc people: with the right kind of mods and emulators, you can play anything. just need a good controller of some sort. first person shooters on the pc will always and forever be better. there's no downside to a pc really 'cept for maybe the cost.
mac people: it'd be kinda funny if you guys just came out of no where with a console and kicked everyone else's ass. heh, it could be called the i-box. by unbiased
xbox 2(5:52pm est mon jan 27 2003)
i really do hope they make an xbox 2.i wounder if any word about gamecube2 by josh
xbox 2 (5:55pm est mon jan 27 2003)
i dont under stand how xbox could be losing money!i mean half the people in my school have xbox!gamecube sucks!the desks are bout the size of my finger! by josh
jj(5:58pm est mon jan 27 2003)
anyone here?

by jjj

jj(6:06pm est mon jan 27 2003)
i guess no one is here
bye by jj
just read(3:00pm est tue jan 28 2003)
the xbox is the best system i have played in a long time, and for all you bickering fools about the game cube read the specs xbox is the best and xbox live is even better. by nos19
xbox2 vs ps3(9:08am est thu jan 30 2003)
i regret to say it, but if sonys ps3 is powered by the cell processor (100 times more powerful than a 2.5ghz processor) then microsoft will struggleto sell anything at all. also, if they use blue ray lasers on ps3, as theyve been suggesting, then xbox's main advantage right now of being able to make far larger games than ps2 cus of the hard drive, will also be diminished. my xbox at the mo is great, and i hope that the new one microsoft make is equally as innovative as this one . i just hope sony dont make an all conquering console, that means the likes of halo will no loger be made. diversity and competition is good ! – if xbox wasnt better in many ways than ps2, then would it be selling anything like the number of consoles it does ??? by ls
xbox2 vs ps3(9:09am est thu jan 30 2003)
i regret to say it, but if sonys ps3 is powered by the cell processor (100 times more powerful than a 2.5ghz processor) then microsoft will struggleto sell anything at all. also, if they use blue ray lasers on ps3, as theyve been suggesting, then xbox's main advantage right now of being able to make far larger games than ps2 cus of the hard drive, will also be diminished. my xbox at the mo is great, and i hope that the new one microsoft make is equally as innovative as this one . i just hope sony dont make an all conquering console, that means the likes of halo will no loger be made. diversity and competition is good ! – if xbox wasnt better in many ways than ps2, then would it be selling anything like the number of consoles it does ??? in short, lets hope microsoft succeeds this time round, so that publishers are forced by the console manufacturers to make console selling games by xboxnxt
there you go(7:50pm est thu jan 30 2003)
-resident evil 0,1,4 !!!!
-zelda – the wind waker !!
-ura zelda
-metriod prime
-star fox(not adventures the one coming out 2003)
-eternal darkness
-final fantasy crystal cronicals
-super mario sunshine
-super samsh bros. melee
-super monkey ball 2
-godzilla: destroy all monsters
-f – zero
-1080 avalanche
-wario world
-mario cart gc
-skies of arckadia legends

are any of these games on playstation 2? is it blood, crappy graphics and controls and long load times what make games fun? no. i learn my leason when i purchaced my psx. not long after i got my gamecube i smashed my playstation, literaty, i took a baseball bat to it. i have the money to get an xbox, i plan to by one when there are no good gamcube games to play. i'm still waiting.

by matt

what is everyone on?(8:11pm est thu jan 30 2003)
i've played grandtheft auto vice city and i must say it's fun. sure it is. but is it great or exellent or fantastic, no. let me list the problems that rockstar should adress.

-load times
-shit controls take away from gameplay ,aiming isnt accurate,controling the charactor can be clomsy, it is just lacking
-crapy control set up
-alot of the guns are the same
-the glar when facing the sun (why would they do that?)
-the poor draw distance especially when flying or driving (cannot she many people or small objects)
-the poor pedestrian running over phisics (try carmigedon)
-trageting?, have you played timpslitters 2 come on, weres the fun in targeting

if you read what i have written over again it is obvious what this has to do with the nextbox. by matt

nothing(8:20pm est thu jan 30 2003)
oh and if you were wondering my favorate bands are slayer, metallica, mega death, cannible corpse, ramstein, soad, and anialator. i believe it is better to rule in hell then to surve in heavon. my favorte (but not buy much) game is super monkey ball 2. by -matt
xbox v.s ps3(4:47am est sun feb 02 2003)
all i know in my few years of gaming is that there will always be something better it will never stop untill someone gives up. there will always be flaws and lack of this and lack of that… why ? because we are human and we fuck up thats civilization for ya. and with regards to gaming speed and grafix…. if you think long and hard at the point of where grafix are today the only next step to go is vr (virtual reality). id also like to stirr teh pot with these ppl that say “this system will/should have this and that system should/will have that” if your such the console gaming experts build your own perfect system and stop bitchin to others about what you think others should do(the best things in life are those that are made by you). you can do anything if you put your mind and soul into it. and to end my rant if you “own” a ps_ systaem or an nintendo___ system or an ms_____ system and you dont like any of teh other systems kepp it to yourself cause in actuallity no one fucking cares its a peice of electronics its only a material possesion. and if your wondering i own a xbox…. why? besause it was free by split
edit(4:49am est sun feb 02 2003)
besause= because by split
playstation & gamecube losers(1:41pm est sun feb 02 2003)
support your country: buy american! by patriot
jeez(12:43am est mon feb 03 2003)
you people dont understand anything.

xbox is a powerful system. but it's failing. microsoft is losing money on it… it doesn't matter if it's powerful and can support a shit load of crap, it's about the games. quality games… microsoft wasn't thinking when they created the system… i work at futureshop. the largest retailer of electronics in canada, and when people come in to the store… they ignore the xbox as if it's not even there… once in a while. we'll get a xbox customer… and it's an unreliable system… the amount of defective units we receive is so high that it's not even funny anymore. i have nothing against the system… i'm just stating facts here. you people are making biased comments, which does not give xbox a fair chance. the only games i've seen succeed for xbox is splinter cell and halo till now.

ps2 is a good system in terms of games… it's games are amazing… vice city alone has sold over 4 million copies. you people who are stuck over noticing minor details are fucked in the head. you start noticing detail so much that you forget what sheer fun is. vice city is the way it is because of the ps2, it has such a massive city that they have to put things like the draw distance etc. who cares if the peds jump infront of you. that is such a stupid comment. sony concentrated more on games then the power of the machine… microsoft thought that they will design a powerful system and it will succeed…. software companies have to keep other systems in mind besides the xbox example a pc… a game has to be able to work on a pc for a normal consumer who owns a 1 ghz machine… which is not powerful enough to run a game like splinter cell.

think before you talk shit people plz.

and plz don't compare the machines to a pc… a pc is a multifunction machine… a console is a dedicated gaming machine… it doesn't need a 2.5ghz processor to play games you dumb fucks.

i'm outta here by zeeshan

the best(12:16pm est mon feb 03 2003)
let's compare

xbox ps2 gamecube winner
128bit 128bit 128bit draw
50,000+ mb 32b 80mb xbox
733mhz 375mhz 488mhz xbox
490mhz gr.chip nothing nothing xbox
hard disk nothing nothing xbox
dvd(top class) (cheapdvd nothing xbox/dc
cd (top class) (cheapcd nothing xbox/dc
4 sockets 2sockets 4sockets xb/gc

1st place xbox
2nd place gamecube
3rd place dreamcast
4th place playtoaster2

xbox is the absolute best. the dreamcast had better graphics than the playtoaster2 with 433mhz graphics and if it wasn't for poor advertising, playtoaster2 would be dead.
nextbox will beat playstation 3million!
since when has halo been on the playtoaster2.never!
you say ps2 has good games. but how can you play them if the graphics are so weak that you can't see a thing. ps2's graphics are looking like a 5 year old kid's crayon scribble! ps2 makes toast and if you say xbox is huge, shut up you brainless fools because ps2 is a toaster. you say ps2 sells more. xbox has beemn out about a year, ps2 has been out since the egyptians and brainless fools are now buying ps2 for 10 quid more than a far superior xbox. and about 30 quid more than a much better gamecube. ps2 owners are from now on sentenced to execution for having no brains! xbox and gamecube are the kings of consoles and push toasters like ps2 into the ground. you say gamecube has kiddie games.is resident evil a kid's game.no!
you say gamecube has no cd/dvd.it was designed for gameplay, not for entertainment. plus, the gamecube's mini disks have 2 to 3 times more memory and speed than the ps2 disks. so buy an xbox or a gamecube! by xbox/gamecube

yes(12:20pm est mon feb 03 2003)
i agree 100% xbox/gamecube by consolemaster
when they battle for market we win!(12:12am est tue feb 04 2003)
who cares what console is better, they all have great games and its all being sold to us at a low price, why? because they are fighting over market shares and we are reaping the benefits.
can anyone think of any other things you can do with $50 that will bring you 100+ hours of entertainment? i didnt think so. by namd
tsk tsk tsk(9:12pm est tue feb 04 2003)
i own all the consoles you dumb fuck… so dont say that i'm a ps2 owner only… i have an open mind unlike an ignorant fool like you. i never said anything about gamecube. its a very good system, i respect nintendo for being able to fit the same game that ps2 and xbox has on a tiny disc like that. and by the way. it's discs aren't the same size as ps2… i agree that the ps2 isn't that powerful… and just like you said that ps2 came out an year earlier… that is why xbox is better that ps2. because microsoft desinged it to outperform ps2… and if xbox is so great. then why aren't they selling like crazy? explain that to me plz, cuz i dont' get it… and dont' say that people are stupid. cuz you have no right to say that. oh and i was just looking at the screens for splinter cell for ps2, it looks exactly the same as ps2…i think you're over exaggerating when you say that you can't see a thing on the ps2 because that's just stupid… i'm not defending any system here… i wrote what i did last time cuz everyone was badmouthing xbox… infact i told everyone to give the xbox a fair chance. if you read my post. now i'm saying don't badmouth the ps2. infact dont' badmouth any system… everybody has a personal prefeerence. so stick to yours… as “namd” said who cares… it's a market… don't take it personally if someone says something bad about your precious system. relax. its' a console not your freakin wife. by zeeshan
hey p common sense(11:31pm est fri feb 07 2003)
hey p i read your post up there and you said tomb raider 4 was years ahead of halo. well that's because it is dumbass use common sense and halo is still better by common sense please
playstaion 2(11:48am est mon feb 10 2003)
playstaion 2 sucks it really really sucks xbox kicks ass ps2 sucks dick by rocco
i agree(4:18pm est tue feb 11 2003)
the xbox cannot be beaten it will never stup to the lower market of sony or nintendo it will always be the best and that will never change. by masterx
ps3(11:23am est wed feb 12 2003)
sony ps3 will lay the smack down on xbox 2 and gamecube's 2 candy ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by will price
playstation 2(11:24am est wed feb 12 2003)
ps2 rules!!!!!! xbox sucks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by rod
playstation vs xbox games(11:45pm est wed feb 12 2003)
i failed to see anybody mention that alot of foriegn software designers will
not write games for the xbox. i don't
own any game consoles yet but it's easy to see that the xbox is superior to anything out there yet. it will just take a while for all the software suppliers to convert over to the xbox. then what aurgument will the ps2 or ps3 people use.
by green giant
wth(1:04am est thu feb 13 2003)
xbox is a great console if your a fan of graphics go for it , if you like playing fun multyplayer games go for a gamecube and as for ps2 its a wellrounded console . i know many xbox fans, they dont say its better than ps2 they wer looking for change , to try a new systeme and there happy with them i think ps2 has gatherd up so many fans with ps,ps1 that when ps3 comes out it will sell like hotcakes(specily if it spelled like hotcakes) iv studyed the numbers xbobx has better graphics thats the braging rights but ps2 has the “rep” its been around it its not going away. i dont care about console graphics there for fun. when it comes to my computer hehehe agp 8x is a must :d. by a mmindfull pc gamer
its all equil(2:31am est thu feb 13 2003)
everyone says gc has only kiddie games but it dosent and its just nintendos cutsie reputation it is just as good as the others (better graphics than ps2 worse than xbox)and is portible with the tv attachment it also has the most addons

ps2 rocks though it has the worst graphics because of its outstanding sellection and if the ps2 games defect the ps# will already be out

xbox has the most potential just because its the most powerful i havent seen noumerous good games for xboxbut those that are good really rock like morrowind halo etc. they also try to make the most unique games

the system that rules in the future will have the most games and the most highqualitygames the system will be loded with extra features and powerful technolodgy

ps3 looks worthy but ms is pretty trixie and nintendo is full of surprises

it would be great if all the companies merged to create the super system-

the godbox by j g

hello?(2:33am est thu feb 13 2003)
hello? by j g
this place sucks(3:26pm est thu feb 13 2003)
god yall are freakin idiots this website sucks i have just gotten dumber reading this crap by nun ya
how long yall been here?(3:28pm est thu feb 13 2003)
this place has no one readin this cause no one cares yall are losers
nun ya is better then all yall and so am i yall only have 90 sumthin comments god yall freakin losers by screw yall
xbox is crap(4:35pm est thu feb 13 2003)
it is crap do i need to say any more….actually i wanna so i will….its is a shit old computer…and sucks so bad that i wanna use harsh language….but i wont by ps2 user :)
meow(8:27pm est thu feb 13 2003)
computer give a beatdown in graphics compared to a xbox :d

– piii 1ghz
– radeon 9700 pro
– 1024 mbs ram

_+ gaming pc +_ by pc ownz

xbox 3 photos*****5 star(11:26pm est sat feb 15 2003)
suck my dick
by fsdgdf
you guys are funny(11:15pm est sun feb 16 2003)
why are yall gunna spend sooo much on a stinkin console? lets see here ps2 is takin how long to put out ps3… quite a wile. now xbox is shootin for less time to come out with xb2.


hmmm it seems that ms is spitin out more consoles makin people buy more stuff where as sony is getting contracts to get better games. but still whos losin the money here? whos the people just in it for the money? ms is just a bunch of gready dicks by computing…….

xbox2 and ps3(12:07pm est mon feb 17 2003)
ms is going to develop their own graphics chips and chipset as well as their own cpu and they are going to make it backwards compatible with their xbox games…we will see what ps3 can do in due time. look at the trend. nintendo 64 > bond the ultimate multiplayer game until halo … ps had the final fantasy stuff….not graphics intensive…but good games. all the gta games are getting boring and redundant. halo may be going to ps and besides that microsoft can make money on ps if it wants to and use the profits it makes writing games to ps platform to keep xbox operation arround forever. so u keep buyin ps and xbox and the games and all is good. xbox will not die. it could loose 200% on every box and they would still make it. ps just cant compete with that… they have to have a loyal fanbase or its over for sony. and slowly but surely ms will erode that fan base or maybe just get them to buy both. this will bring competition to produce better games as well as cheaper systems or at lease affordable systems which means in the end.
everybody wins by proteus
games(12:52pm est mon feb 17 2003)
fuck bill gate by xxx
playstation 3(11:35pm est fri feb 21 2003)
sony, ibm, and toshiba are dishing out 400 million for its new cell chip that will be included in the ps3. i don't think microsoft will put that kind of money towards xbox 2 with all their losses with the original xbox by everlunkinup
money money money(7:16am est tue feb 25 2003)
maybe they are dishin out 400million for this chip but who gives a flyin fuck about the specs whats the point in havin a good console without any good games? i mean as if bill gates doesnt have 400 million to spend if he wanted to he could put way more than that if he plays his cards right he will be worth way more than 60 fuckin billion. happy gaming people by xboxgod
sonic for xbox(7:18am est tue feb 25 2003)
does anyone know if sonic is comin out for xbox? by xboxgod
ps3?(8:10am est tue feb 25 2003)
halo 2. by fragger
xbox is better!(9:40am est tue feb 25 2003)
xbox has way more power than ps2 and has so much room on the hard drive that i can rent a blockbuster game and rip the game to my hard drive. i dont think they should come out with xbox next because xbox has so much power, microsoft should think about making there games better before selling them. also xbox has way less problems with it then ps2. before i had xbox i went through two ps2 because of problems with it. xbox has had way less complaints. go for xbox if you want a long lasting powerful system. by stm_all_the_way
ps2 sucks(9:42am est tue feb 25 2003)
suck my clit ps2 you suck. drink my pussy juice. by up the bum
playstation 2,3 & 9(10:11am est tue feb 25 2003)
far as i can tell xbox is a load of shit!

my mamma sais bill gates is the devil!

here are some features ps3 will have and xbox or xbox2 will not have.


later on ps9 will play
playstation playstation2 playstation3
playstation4 playstation5 playstation6
playstation7 playstation8
and of course playstation9!

sony will rule the cyber world!

i am

by sony

xbox sux(10:15am est tue feb 25 2003)
xbox sux it sux it realy really sux.

xbox sux nintendos 3' dick!

it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux it sux
by xbox hater!

ps3 has what!?(10:24am est tue feb 25 2003)
the playstation3 will have usb 2.0
and usb.

fire wire
expansion bay (hard drive already in)
cooling fan (of course)
4 controller ports memory card 16mb ea.

see ps3 by sony3

whatever(8:51pm est tue feb 25 2003)
wowowowowo chill out guys
your argument or whatsoever you guys claimed as (fanboys) or supporter of the consoles….
pleaseeeee get a life!!!
there's no point whining all over the net.
all m$ & sony care about is $$$$$$$$
they don't give a fuck about your comments or complaints damnit by just my 2 cents
xbox is pretty good but ps2 is better(5:21pm est wed feb 26 2003)
my youth group owns an xbox and it is pretty cool and better graphics then my ps2 but not gamewise. if xbox had more 13 yr old games i would of bought it but it doesnt it needs alot of rpg's and then i would have bought it. it does have some nice shooting games. by chris
amazing(11:15pm est wed feb 26 2003)
the subject of my post is in reference to half of you that posted, but i mean it in the most sarcastic way possible.
your misspelled and pointless rants make me wonder why any of you care so much about the console war. the only people that *should* care is sony, ms and nintendo. i personally (finally) own each console, and i like them all equally for very different reasons. i think you all should be happy that the console generation is finally trying to get our business instead of half-assing their way through everything. we have choices, lots of them, and assuming you have the money, the gaming potential for each is endless. so just be happy for once that consoles are coming into their own and shut the hell up about who's better. just play your games and quit worrying about who's pockets are getting stuffed with your cash – it doesn't matter anyway, because you'll never see a dime of it, you'll just spend millions of them on your hobby. by mediator
xbox rules.(9:08am est thu feb 27 2003)
look at the specs of xbox they cream everythin else on the market so suck my cock. besides its not the console its the game developers if they did games and used the consoles to full effect none of us would be complainin now by xboxgod
mediator sucks(9:10am est thu feb 27 2003)
u dont have a clue u toss u think we dont see the money we do its called better research into games and more powerfull consoles. so get it right!!!! posh git. by xboxgod
xbox(10:53pm est thu feb 27 2003)
xbox forever and gates is right, noone can beat the power of the “x”. by melpoetry@msn.com
hah(11:55pm est sun mar 02 2003)
its called a computer “it can , and dont argue becuase itil make you look stupid can abolutly rape a xbox in graphics”

i play splinter cell at 1600×1200 w8 x agp have any of you seen those kind of graphics its just “perfect”

lol plus i get all my pc games for free witch makes up for the original cost of the pc “you can get anygame for pc for free”

most xbox games will run internally at 640 x 480 w somesort of agp im guessing 4x thats why the graphics look nice. the console supports up to 1920 x 1080, but don't expect any games to utilize that resolution.

i think a ps2 runs 640×240 but its doesnt have apg so thats why the graphics look like poop.

no idea of a gamecubes graphics.

computers are fast

cpu speeds reach 4.44 ghz with the p4
and the geforce fx is just crazy

500mhz core clock speed
– ddr2 memory clocked at 1ghz or higher
– 0.13-micron gpu !!!!!
– agp 8x support makes things look awsome

by meow

xbox name(6:11pm est mon mar 03 2003)
if the next xbox has as many good games as this one (it's up to 3 now!), then it's name has to be the ybox…… y, y have you created this box????? by lord_mizaru
get used to it(6:31am est tue mar 04 2003)
the xbox is here forever. i realise you ps2 and gc fanboys (christ almighty) arent too bright and cant see why microsoft has entered the console market and thus youre also too stupid to see forward 6 or 8 years to what they are aiming for, but posting stupid things like the xbox being vapourware just makes you look like typical internet wankers.

in terms of all this ps3 cell crap, its highly dubious and hasnt been proven to evewn work yet. why dont you all shut up until e3 and then we'll see, wont we.

as for the ps@ having a bigger library, thats true – but who the christ wants to play a fishing simulator? or a dancing game? or most of the other tat that is out on ps2. the xbox doesnt have many great titles either, but the pick of the bunch on ps2 looks embarrassing next to the cream of the xbox. it does. accept it.

i dont refer to the gamecube because it is floundering almost everywhere and is so far behind the pack in 3rd place that i'll be amazed if nintendo doesnt simply move to the portable market and let ms and sony duke it out. which, if its only reduced to a two horse race, will ensure both manufacturers make consoles for the rest of time.

why you idiots cant work this out for yourself beats me. by ragereset

pcs(6:41am est tue mar 04 2003)

and as far as pcs go, who in their right mind wants to sit at a desk going tap-tap-tappity-tap on a lousy keyboard trying to hit one of 30 different keys in order to take down your enemy. how immersive! ohh eeeeh, i'll right click on you and then i'm the winner! tappa tappa tappa! clickety click! i dont have any friends to drop round for beers and hit the couch for some gaming action so i'll sit in my room with my spotty face and lice in my hair and my pc that needs a new brain each time a new game comes out. i would rather click people with my mouse instead of pull a trigger! i'll alt-fire at you if youre not careful!

pcs are for working on.
as a gaming machine they completely suck, even if they have the best graphics. maybe if you are a loser who works in a video store or a 7/11 then coming home to get on your computer is appealing but for the rest of us who hhave real jobs, the computer is just a pain in the arse.

pc gaming is like paying for sex. you get what you want but its cold and soulless at the same time. by ragereset

meow(1:42pm est tue mar 04 2003)
still doesnt change the fact it has way better graphics , and that “is” what you guys have been arguing about with the ps2 abd xbox? is it not?

funny thing is all you did is rablem on how “you” dont like them. if a ps2 sucks becuase or its graphics where does that leave a worthless xbox compared to a pc. lol i dont do any work on my computer i play 400 fps with 64 players around the world. by moew

how predictable(6:24pm est wed mar 05 2003)
it isnt what i've been arguing about.
i argue that the ps2 has crap sound, rubbish hardware that is hard to write for and thus most develoers dont bother resulting in crap games, that it has no hard drive, no built in broadband, crappy little kiddie controllers, costs the same as an xbox despite being technically inferior and 18 months older (at least) and is mamde by sony who i used to like but since buying atheir tvs and md players think they are lax and stupid.

an xbox compared to a pc? well if you want to spend twice the price of an xbox on video cards every 6 months then, gee whiz, i'd be expecting something pretty damn impressive from the pc. the thing is, the graphics on the best pc games arent twice as good as the best on xbox. they arent. they will be in a year or two. and then xbox 2 will come out and be as good or better than all but the best pcs.

enjoy sitting in your room mouse-clicking people to death on your teeny tiny little monitor. by ragereset

go xbox!!(11:26pm est wed mar 05 2003)
go xbox!! playstation systems suck donkey balls!!!! go xbox!!! by xbox dude
re: ms does suck, but all consoles have a place in the market(5:08pm est fri mar 07 2003)
i hate ms, but i do not hate xbox. i own a ps2, and love the selection of games i have for it. i do not own an xbox because only halo and mechassault look appealing and they will be out for pc soon enougn. same for the gamecube, only pikman looked interesting. i love gta iii and vice city, so i own a ps2. i am sooooo sick of this trashing of other systems, it is childish and lame. i will continue to enjoy my ps2 while others continue to enjoy their gc and xboxs. for all you lameass “my console is better than your console” idiots, get a life, move out of your parent's basement, and kiss a girl/boy (your choice). by assman
get a life(11:20pm est fri mar 07 2003)
xbox is sweet.
xbox 2 will partially fail.
ps3 will fail because of cost.
ps2 is sweet.
gamecube is sweet.
gamecube 2 will fail because they cant design it right.
pcs are sweet.
macs are sweet.
everything has its niche.
so shut the hell up and get a life! by jzman
by the way(11:22pm est fri mar 07 2003)
i hate ms bot have an xbox so i can have different games than my friends. i have a mac because i hate ms. so there. and yes, i have a life. by jzman
by the way(11:23pm est fri mar 07 2003)
i hate ms but have an xbox so i can have different games than my friends. i have a mac because i hate ms. so there. and yes, i have a life. by jzman
free willie(4:08am est sat mar 08 2003)
i heard that a game about saving a whale was coming for xbox. oh never mind that would be game cube. also a game that plays on a (super slow) dial up on line connection. o wait that is sony. hold it i heard of a game that you are this guy right, and you go to this ring world thing right, and you shoot guns at et right. well wrong mother fucker!!!! you are the fucking master chief ass kicking alien killing son of bitch with weapons coming out of your ass driving fucking tanks blowing cool shit up for hours and hours and then you fucking do it again! why you ask? because xbox fuckin kicks ass!!!! that's why!! now go kill fucking pokeman or something just gry out of my fuckin face you sony lovers! by from the bridge
xbox(1:06pm est sat mar 08 2003)
how old is halo again by whiteman
xbox(1:14pm est sat mar 08 2003)
halo is one of the greatest games, but its over a year and a half old. it's time to move on xbox lovers, your sounding like n64 fanboys with their golden eye. so maybe after halo 2 you'll have 2 good games by lightem up
xbox rocks(7:20pm est sat mar 08 2003)
exactly- master chief and sam fisher would kick pikachu's amd mario's ass any day.
by jzman
ps3 or next xbox(9:00pm est sat mar 08 2003)
uuuuu suck i am so rich that i am going to have the 2 of them ahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
by luis figo
x box is the best damn console …period!!!(10:54pm est sun mar 09 2003)
first you compare competitors so ps3 better then the x box, but ps2 compared to x box its a landslide. this coming from someone who had both. ps2 dusts xbox as far as games but since ps came into the picture its dusted every one with game quantity…and quantity only. what console touched or will ever touch mario bros. none. who can touch halo? no one and halo 2….shioott!!! it'll be comparable to illmatic(nas). what it boils down too is microsoft has the deepest pockets of the game consoles, performance wise is untouchable by ps2, just like xbox next(x2) will be untouchable when compared to ps3. x box needs to play on that ps quality and make x box games playable w/ no extra shiot on the x2. ps2 400mhz 128mg x2 no hd, xbox 700mhz 256mg? and 10-20g hd, do the math. yo bill spend some money on some games, get some dbz or some armored core type joints, stop havin 40 yr old men tell you what people 12-25yrs are gonna like, they have no idea then and only then will you have the market truely monopolized :) by horoboso
armored core 4 / dragonball z on x box???(11:16pm est sun mar 09 2003)
yo could you imagine armored core 4 on xbox….ooooooooooohhhhhhh weeeeeeeee that is a pretty site to see or how bout dragonball z boudokai on xbox…kame…….hame…. hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.
that would be crazy sweet. ps2 vs xbox = xbox wins ps3 vs x2 = x2 wins ps3 may be operating w/ a gigbyte chip x2 will be using 1.5gh chip with ati all in wonder type graphic card made for the x2 w/ a 40 maybe 60 gig hd cause the games are gonna be ridiculous graphic wise. all we need are some well made games that aren't rushed because ps3's gtaiv is doing great. we need some dedication on the halo series as well as a better mech game, i'm sorry but outside it being live capable armored core kills mechassault and it aint but like 5 people in the whole world who have steel battalion. by horoboso
my mistake…the real x box specs!!!!(11:17pm est sun mar 09 2003)
cpu 733 mhz intel custom pentium iii
front side bus 133 mhz – 1.0 gb/sec
ram micron 64 mb ddr sdram
memory bandwidth 6.4 gb/sec bus
storage medium 8 gb hard disk
(western digital, 5400 rpm)
i/o (input / output) w-5x dvd-rom
type 9 dvd – 8.5 gb single sided
4x proprietary usb game ports (12 mbps)
broadband ethernet connection (100 mbps)
proprietary audio/video connector
graphics processor unit 250 mhz custom-designed nv2x
max polygon performance 125 m/sec
simultaneous textures 4.8 g/sec
pixel fill rate 12w
compressed textures yes (6:1)
maximum resolution 1920 x 1080 (hdtv required)
mpeg 2 support yes (standard dvd)
hdtv game support yes (hdtv cable required)
dvd movie playback yes (dvd remote control required)
media comm. processor 200 mhz processor custom
designed by nvidia
controls hard disk & dvd
controls high-speed ethernet
controls proprietary usb game ports
controls advanced audio which uses:
licensed technology from uk's sensaura 3d.
peripheral bus (mcp bus) 400 mb/s (full duplex)
broadband enabled yes (10/100 mbps / tcp/ip / winsock)
audio channels 256
3d audio support yes (64 3d channels)
operating system – windows 2000 core os
(custom designed by ms)
– directx 8.0a (drivers)
– part 1 of the os is on the hard disk 500 k
– (part 1 includes the core os, directx, dvd playback, some drivers and 3d user interface)
– (part 2 includes things like libraries, other drivers and other features needed by the developer)
– os takes less then 3 mb in ram
– the os has a 3d user interface when no games are inserted to play music cds, run dvd movies etc.
– the games run in ring 0, known as kernel mode which is the fastest mode possible.
v-chip parental control on dvd's with esrb ratings
size width: ~31cm
depth: ~27cm
height: ~10cm
total internal components 800
by horoboso
yeah(5:00am est mon mar 10 2003)
xbox needs a library. there isnt much on the horizon. ps2 cant say anything different either though. xbox has deus ex 2 and maybe kotor and fable – if someone rescues rage we might get team sas and maybe breed and duality (if either of them is still being built) but besides those its pretty mediocre out there.
halo 2 isnt out till 2004.
fucking hell. by ragereset
xbox rules(3:28pm est tue apr 08 2003)
get it got it good!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xbox rules baby!!!!!!!!! by josh
people who don't like xbox are little girls(3:30pm est tue apr 08 2003)
ya u i know ur going to read this if like i said ur a girl if u hate it. by josh
xbox is everybodys life people it rocks(3:32pm est tue apr 08 2003)
hell yaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by josh
xbox(3:42pm est fri may 02 2003)
i played games on my computer for a number of years. whenever i bought a new game it seemed that it needed a new driver, the video card wasn't good enough etc. recently i bought a new hdtv and decided to buy a gaming machine. after much thought i bought a xbox. i know that a lot of people do not like microsoft and resent gate's wealth. i like the xbox and found it enjoyable. i have only purchased a few games and try to be selective. i did not need a dvd player, want to play on line or have any games from a previous machine such as the playstation 1 to even consider the playstation 2. i have had many hours of enjoyement from this machine. 200 bucks is cheap. a good video card for a pc and set you back 400 plus. differant strokes for everyone. for me i will buy the xbox 2 when it hit the market. by ray
you can(10:58am est sat may 03 2003)
welcom to atlanta/ instrumantal by james
game-box(1:08pm est thu may 08 2003)
gamecube and x-box arecoooooooooooooool by uk
xbox 2 will pass(9:49pm est tue may 20 2003)
everybody knows that xbox is one hell of a system. i dont hate ps2 or gc i just hate the fact that some of u motherfu#!@%& talk so bad about the xbox and give ps2 too many props.u know when halo 2 is released it will truly put xbox on top of any game released for any system. u know bill gates aint gonna let sony just get in top of xbox2 (or xbox next)i heard they were gonna sign contracts with lots of game makers to make a shit load of games for xbox2 so ps2 motherfuc#$% fans will not say that xbox 2 will suk because of the lack of gemes. xbox rules!!!!! by xbox stands tall!!!!

Raspberry Pi Mpeg 2 Crackheads Youtube

xbob 2 or ps3?(9:43pm est wed may 21 2003)
both are gonna be good consoles bu its not all about what is the most powerful, ps2 and xbox are excellent consoles both have good graphics in their own ways, both have good gameplay in their own way. but what pisses me off is that what the hell is the point of recording tv programmes on a games console microsoft? is it for playing games or is it a video recorder? come on your getting a games console out to play games thats why its called a games yes games console, if you could record tv programmes on it then it should be called vcr games console! what the hell is the point as if anyone would care about recording your tv programmes on a console can't you record it on a vcr or dvdr or the new blu-ray? any way back to my point xbox 2 and ps3, well both of them are gonna be great and its not about what console is better or powerful than the other it should be all about enjoying the games, xbox 2 and ps3 are gonna have great graphics, but graphics doesn't actually matter to me now because when i used to play megadrive games the grahpics were crap but i used to play the games over and over again without getting bored don't you agree? what do you see now. a game comes out wow excellent graphics wow look at all the detail but after about an hour… oh this game is boring? why is it boring cause they can't make good games anymore i'm not talking about how good the graphics is because the graphics is superb but the games are like first when you play them thay are excellent but then it starts to become boring. my theory is that xbox 2 and ps3 are gonna have the same graphics power but they can put as much as 10 cpus in there but the games still has to be exciting.
any way i am not against microsoft or sony or even nintendo because all of their consoles are great at what they do. by intelligent
x-box vs ps2(4:33pm est thu may 22 2003)
now as we all know x-box has much better graphics than ps2. aslo x-box does have a good game collection. all ps2 has is gta3,gta: vice city,final fantasy x & xi. while x-box has all the other basic titles.

e-mail me at ryuman313_101@yahoo.com by sam haidar

ps2vsxboxvsgamecube(3:52pm est fri may 23 2003)
[quote]let's compare

xbox ps2 gamecube winner
128bit 128bit 128bit draw
50,000+ mb 32b 80mb xbox
733mhz 375mhz 488mhz xbox
490mhz gr.chip nothing nothing xbox
hard disk nothing nothing xbox
dvd(top class) (cheapdvd nothing xbox/dc
cd (top class) (cheapcd nothing xbox/dc
4 sockets 2sockets 4sockets xb/gc

1st place xbox
2nd place gamecube
3rd place dreamcast
4th place playtoaster2[/quote]

dont know how you worked those figures out?

xbox has to run at a higher clock frequency, and still falls short of the amount of processing power of ps2
ps2 clock frequency = 294mhz but can do the same amount of math calculations as 2 733mhz piii's or 1.4gig processor.
the only thing the xbox beats ps2 in is graphics

processing power
1. ps2
2. gamecube
3. xbox
1. xbox
2. ps2 (yes ps2 is second)
3. gamecube

your all thinking 'how is gamecube second?' because ps2 has a higher fill rate and higher in game polly count and higher gflops.

your also wondering why xbox comes last in processing power, thats because xbox doesnt have true 128bit registras, ps2 and gamecube run on true 128bit registras and information runs between components over 128bit wide pipelines, xbox does'nt.

the claims of xbox being the most powerfull are only true in the graphics, the rest of the system is slow in comparison to ps2 & gamecube. if xbox didnt include a harddrive you would have noticed how slow the games run, as lots of different parts of a game running on xbox are cached to the hd, lots of slowdown is still noticeable in a lot of xbox titles, even though the hd helps out. by the informer

ps2vsxboxvsgamecube(4:11pm est fri may 23 2003)
“your all thinking 'how is gamecube second?' because ps2 has a higher fill rate and higher in game polly count and higher gflops.”

i was meant to say “your all thinking 'how is gamecube third in graphics?' because ps2 has a higher fill rate and higher in game polly count and higher gflops by the informer

what are you all about.(10:05pm est fri may 23 2003)
why on earth are you all arguing about a console that isn't even out yet!
get a life for christ's sake.
surely you have got better things to talk about? by jamie. in scotland
p.s(10:09pm est fri may 23 2003)
q: whats the difference between an iraqi soldier and a british soldier?

a: don't know? then welcome to the american air force!! by as above

losers(5:06pm est sat may 24 2003)
you guys are nerds. get a life. by ieaiaio
get over it ps2 is better(1:17am est tue may 27 2003)
i am sure everyone has read this a million times but graphics don't make a game or a system. sure xbox has graphics but where are the games? halo and maybe dead or alive are they only successes on the system. and its taken over 2 years for the next halo to come out. everything in between as been a horrible disapointment. sure splinter cell was a success but every system has that and all of them will have the next one too. i work for a funcoland store and i have seen it with my own eyes. the software sales of ps2 are usually triple that of xbox. last month ps2 had around 13,000 dollars in sales and xbox had a little over 4,000 and not to be undone nintendo had 3,900. so all console specs aside the numbers show it. i just can't understand having a system based on its graphics but have nothing to play. i believe that xbox 2 will come out but if it fails as bad as the first one did that will be then end. i will say it once more you can have all the graphic power in the world but with nothing to play what is the use. goodbye xbox by no one
xbox r da best(3:58pm est tue may 27 2003)
ok come on people we all know that xbox is gonna be the best console in the world and will be 4 the next 3000 years!!! by some guy
a list of great things about the xbox(4:07pm est tue may 27 2003)
xbox it so much better than the ps2 and here are a list of things to prove it
it has online connectability
it has the most powerfull graphics engine
it does not need those stupid little memory cards
it has so many better games than ps2 or gc
it has way more memory than any console has ever had
you can burn cd's onto the hard drive and play them during a game
they are cheaper than the ps2
it has more than 100 games coming out this year
it looks so much better than the ps2

by the guy above

psblew(10:22pm est tue may 27 2003)
first i owned a ps2 worked good for about a year kept me happy then one dark day i got a disk read error ! though hmmmmmm i better return this faulty game so i popped in good ol final fantasy x “disk read error” i lost it ! i was one of the sorry guys who bought my ps2 on its release the so called first gen ps2 i paid 699 canadian for it ! well aafew months after my nightmare began i went and dished out more money for a xbox =) them i got her modded with a 80 gb hdd i now have 4 consoles in one with 26 xbox games inside her and i just wanna say one thing sony fuck you and your shitty little ps2 ill be seeing ur games when a ps2 emu comes out hahahahahaha by xluver
msrules(10:29pm est tue may 27 2003)
forgot too say all u m$ haters out there i run xp pro im not a linux nerd and windows has never done me wrong other then there laughable efforts to stop software piracy if anything i think in the long run old billy will buy out sony and piss on its grave hell maybe hell attack nvidia or ati or both and make one big gfx card company that would be fun to see in any case money makes the world go round and microsoft is not going under any time soon =)
ps: i dont work for m$ lol by xluver
a list of things about ps2(12:12am est wed may 28 2003)
here are the replys to the xbox guy
ps2 has online and 100,000 more people signed up than xbox live
memory cards are convienent for taking your info on games to your friends house and besides when your xbox breaks down you lose everything because its all on your system
name…5 games (and thats stretching it) worth buying thats exclusive on xbox
i personally would rather have a cd player playing my cds
out of those 100 games how many are going to be good and again, which ones will be exclusive to xbox?
and ps2 has more than xbox coming out anyway
graphics, yes but thats about it thats all they have
and about online all of the ea games will be exclusive online to only ps2 so no madden, tiger woods, baseball or nascar online for xbox
sorry xbox just isn't a good system

by no one

xrocks(10:30pm est wed may 28 2003)
headlines in news 2 years from now
::the phantom released and two weeks after microsoft buys them out:::
id like to bring up a debate of the so called phantom i dont think playstation 2 is worth fighting over its just that shitty of a console =) by xluver
dear fanboiz(1:30am est fri may 30 2003)
xbox2 vs ps3 vs gamecube2?

does no one realise that competition is good for the consumer?

the sony fanboiz should be eternally grateful to ms for introducing the xbox. it's meant lower prices, cheaper games and has spurred both nintendo and sony to get their sh*t together for the next generation of consoles.

as previous posters have said, it's all about getting their product into your living room…

check out the latest annoucement from sony for the “psx” if you don't believe me.
by kiwi

cool(11:21pm est fri may 30 2003)
i think it wil play all of the cd systems games. by david
tisk tisk(10:19pm est tue jun 03 2003)
listen, games are games. better graphics are good, and so is gameplay. but people who flame other consoles and think that one console will win over all are not gamers and should not call them selves gamers. who cares what system its on as long as its fun. by cheeseboy
stubborn(3:18pm est wed jun 04 2003)
everyone who disses other consoles are just being stubborn idiots. all the systems have good games, if i could i would own them all, but i only own xbox b/c it is the best by www.noreasonnot2.tk
phantom….eeeerie…(4:33am est thu jun 05 2003)
the phantom won't play games for other systems, in fact, it wont even have a cd-rom drive at all. what infinium is trying to make with the phantom is a console that is completely broadband based. the system will have a number of preloaded games on it which they have said will appeal to all audiences. but the games for phantom will either have to be either “demoed”, “rented”, or “bought” online through a website that they plan to run. so there will be absolutely no distribution of games. you just use your credit card to buy or rent them and they are downloaded to your system. they have said their system will be “cross-platform” which many people, including myself, took to believe that it will play games from other systems, what they really meant was that you will be able to go online, via your phantom and tv and play other phantom owners as well as pc gamers. what they are in essence trying to do is bridge the gap but like i said, it wont even have a cd-drive, so it wont play games from other systems. it will be easy of course to port games from other systems, ie pc or xbox or ps2 or gc, but they would need permission from the original manufacturers of the game, or else there would be issues. it is rumored to come out in november of this month. i am interested to see how this whole “purchasing and renting” and downloading via the net will work. who knows… by el rey
xbox is by far the best(7:42pm est thu jun 05 2003)
for one thing it is the only new system witch does not reqiure a memory card. the xbox can download ur own music and u can listen to it while ur playing ur favorite game. if u ask me i think abox is the new generation of gaming and befor soon plastation want even be able to compete with microsoft.
so befor u put down microsofts xbox u need to give it a try. by pink
something(8:50pm est thu jun 05 2003)
in response to genius rax up there ps9 was like a joke on a commerical to advertise tha ps2 not sayin there is one. and da box or whatever you thought of is a lot worse than xbox next. by ll
there all good consoles(11:49pm est fri jun 06 2003)
i think that all three consoles are worthy of being on the market and i don't think that any one of them are crappy systems. i only have an xbox because tech wise it is the most powerful console ever created but i do have one problem concerning the games and that is they do not live up to the xbox's graphical capabilities and that makes me mad. but on the other hand neither do the other consoles with their games. by brandon stanway
the real 3rd generation console specs !!!(4:59pm est sat jun 07 2003)
ok, i have access to this information beacuse i know people who know people, k. just read and compare the specs of the consoles and see if u can guess which is the best cough.cough.xbox2.cough…

xbox 2 specs

intel netburst micro-architecture (pentium 4 or revised name) on 0.07-micron process
clock speed: 7 ghz to 8 ghz
sse2 floating-point performance: 28 to 32 gflops (or 64 gflops with architecture improvements)
external bus bandwidth: 5.33 gb/sec

system memory: 1024mb (1gb)
system memory bandwidth: 32 gb/sec (or up to 64 gb/sec)

nvidia xgpu2
clock speed: 1 ghz
128 gigatexels per second
512 billion anti-aliased samples per second
full-scene anti-aliasing (4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x)
64-bit color (16-bit floating point value per channel, rgba)
2d and 3d texture compression
z, stencil, shadow, and multisampling buffers
vertex compression
triangle tessellation (including nurbs support)
programmable pixel and vertex processors
full hidden surface removal (boosting effective fillrate 8x = 1 teratexel per second)
high-speed rendering buffer (partial frame buffer): 4mb to 8mb
high-speed texture cache: 8mb to 16mb
textures and full frame buffers are stored in system memory (1024mb)
32 to 64 hardware light sources
1.25 billion particles per second
3 billion polygons per second (peak)
1.25 billion polygons per second (sustained)
800 million polygons per second (with effects)
15 trillion operations per second
1.14 tflops (1140 gflops)
screen resolutions: 640×480 (tv), 1280×720 (hdtv), 1920×1080 (hdtv), up to 2048×1536 (vga)

nvidia mcpx2
800 mhz
1024 total voices (256 3d voices)
3d modeled sound
dolby digital encoder
multiple dsp units
10/100/1000 ethernet
usb 2.0, dvd, hdd controller

40x dvd-rom
160gb hard disk drive or 30gb solid state drive by microsoft ceo

the real 3rd generation console specs !!! (5:03pm est sat jun 07 2003)
playstation 3 specs

sony produced processor
clock speed: 1 ghz to 2 ghz
sse2 floating-point performance: 12 to 18 gflops
external bus bandwidth: 2.96 gb/sec

system memory: 256mb
system memory bandwidth: 16 gb/sec (or up to 20 gb/sec)

graphics card
clock speed: 433mhz
64 gigatexels per second
32-bit color (16-bit floating point value per channel, rgba)
2d texture compression
triangle tessellation (including nurbs support)
high-speed rendering buffer (partial frame buffer): 1mb to 5mb
high-speed texture cache: 2mb to 8mb
textures and full frame buffers are stored in system memory (256mb)
16 to 32 hardware light sources
0.6 billion particles per second
1 billion polygons per second (peak)
0.6 billion polygons per second (sustained)
150 million polygons per second (with effects)
9 trillion operations per second
0.56 tflops (1140 gflops)
screen resolutions: 640×480 (tv), 800×600 (hdtv)

sound card
160 mhz
64 total voices (32 3d voices)
3d modeled sound
dolby digital encoder
usb 2.0, dvd, hdd controller

24x dvd-rom
15gb hard disk drive or 10gb solid state drive

don't believe me? fine? lets just wait and see…….then we will be the ones who r laughing (lol)

(longhorn beta build 4200 completed on july 3rd 2003 14:23pm) by microsoft ceo

microsofts sales vs sonys (6:10pm est sat jun 07 2003)
yo, all of you guys are talking about how microsoft has so much more money then sony… here are just a few pieces of information about that, sony has 168,000 employs where as microsoft only has 55,000. sony's sales for last year were 62.3 billion dollars, where as microsofts were 31.4 billion dollars. sony has been around for a lot longer of time and has a lot more finiancial backing then sony does, so for all of you people that think microsoft has unlimited money to throw at their console…. sony has more money then microsoft, and more backing by large name companies… ibm and toshiba by me
the real 3rd generation console specs(8:13pm est sat jun 07 2003)
nvidia has already made the move to 128-bit colour with the geforce fx range – so the 64 bit colour for the x-box 2 seems a little unlikely…

by the time the x-box 2 comes out, it will probably be using a pentium 5, or another celeron – considering that the p5 is supposed to be coming our way at some indeterminate point in the next year.

the ps3, however, will not be using a sony-designed chip – it will be using the ibm 'cell' processor – which is rumored to run at around the equivalent of a 250ghz p4.

since nvidia just completed a deal to get ibm to manufacture some of their high-end gpus and motherboard chipsets for them, and ibm are also developing the cell chip, it is entirely possible that nvidia may end up making the motherboards for the new cell processor. if this happens, it is also pretty likely that one of their gpus may just find its way into the ps3…

and if ms tries to turn somewhere else, well, look at the job ati did for the gamecube's graphics… good, but not up to x-box standards… by who i am

you tuggers(7:18am est sun jun 08 2003)
most of you sound like a bunch of nut sucking fuck wits. by shut up just shut up
shut up just shut up(7:47am est sun jun 08 2003)
>most of you sound like a bunch of nut sucking fuck wits.

if you cannot stand our discussion, then why did you bother reading it?

if you leave us alone, then we'll leave you alone, and then everyone is happy…. by who i am

game cube sux(1:35pm est sun jun 08 2003)
all of u out there who own a game cube u suck. if i had a game cube id cut the top off and pull everthing out of it and use it 4 packing things. i like xbox and ps2 but game cube needs to stay outa my face! if u own a game cube then u should hurry and get a ps2 or xbox before your friends find out! and if you can get an xbox next or ps3 wen they come out so u wont be imbarassed. by the playbox 5
re: game cube sux – by the playbox 5(2:25pm est sun jun 08 2003)
they should make it a rule for these boards that when posting, you must specify what is fact and what is opinion. take the game cube sux post – there is no reason supplied for why the game cube sux – just the author's opinion that it does.

what worries me is the fact that the playbox 5 seems to consider the contents of his post to be gospel truth – so much so that they do not need explanation.

having said this, i happen to agree that the gamecube is not the best of consoles – i think the x-box is better graphically and the ps2 has better games. but i am willing to accept the fact that because i consider this to be true does not mean that it is – or that other people are required to agree.

when people like the playbox 5 and xluver learn to respect other people's point of view, the conversations in these forums will be far more interesing things to follow – and will contain a vocabulary slightly less dependant on the expletives and insults.

we can only hope, i suppose… by who i am

ps2 @nd 3(8:20pm est sun jun 08 2003)
ps2 @nd 3 suck,gamecube is good,x-box rules. by by
children (1:13am est mon jun 09 2003)

sony and microsoft both want all your money !

ooh wait i mean your parents money

so who cares there both good machines by loser

children – by loser(2:39am est mon jun 09 2003)
badly said, but a valid point.

speaking for myself, i'll either get all the next generation consoles, or none of them.

and to be perfectly honest, i couldn't care less who made it as long as it plays games i like. by who i am

funny…(1:39pm est wed jun 11 2003)
doom 3 isnt coming out for the xbox
and so what if the xbox is more powerful??
ps2 may be way less powerful, but when it comes to ergonomics, games, dvd capabiity that comes wih it, i see the ps2 as just the more wiser of the consoles to buy. i wold say the gc but it has no dvd support, oh well
and by what ive read, ps3 is gonna run at 4+ ghz, and producing a teraflop of processing ability,
now, the xbox 2 has somthing to shoot for, by shamalan
controller(9:49am est wed jun 18 2003)
the xbox controller is to big and ps2 is funner and it has better games.but xbox has better graphics by issam
what ps2 games?(9:17pm est thu jun 19 2003)
xbox has all the good games besides gta.
xbox has something just as good or better than any other game and all the systems or getting true crime so they wont even have gta soon. you kids all dont like change you went and wasted all ur money that u had saved up for months and dont wanna admit ur mistake. so wipe the tears off your face and grow up. by ps2 sucks!!!!!!!!!
ps2 sucks(9:26pm est thu jun 19 2003)
xbox has a small controller to get off the controller thing. how is ps2 funner?
what makes ps2 funner? i aggree with the last post. ps2 doesnt have anything xbox doesnt have and xbox has and is getting alot more like halo2, fable, doom 3, duke nukem, project gotham2,return to castle wolfenstein,starwars galaxies, halflife2, counter strike. those are only a few of the games ps2 has nothing to match them. how you like them apples. by halo champ
crap what the hell (12:30am est sun jun 22 2003)
is the regular xbox games work on xbox next like ps2 and ps or am i going to have to use 2 systems also how much is the next going to be priced at i am a marine so i am not rich by fraunk
morans(6:50pm est fri jun 27 2003)
all you xbox and gc freaks keep saying that ps2 has shitty graphics. i was just wondering if any of you have played final fantasy x which neither comes on gameboob or hexbox and i compare games that come on all three consoles they look exactly the same what the fuck are you guys talking about get a fucking life morans. by who cares
spelling(7:04pm est fri jun 27 2003)

by who cares

gamecube sux(3:13am est sat jun 28 2003)
xbox and ps2 are the best systems out there and gamecube shouldn't even be in this discussion. gamecube sucks and whoever buys it is a crackhead. it has no dvd plsyer the discs suck and the games are for little kids. i know gc has resident evil. wow! it has one decent game lets throw a fucking parade. xbox and ps2 rule gammecube sucks. you gamecube fans can shove super mario sunshine where the sun dont shine! hahahahaha! by xman
console wars(10:36am est sat jun 28 2003)
who gives a shit which one will be better? you are fighting over systems that haven't even come out yet. just shut up and buy whatever one looks best when it's finally released. both current versions of the systems have their ups and downs. get a job and buy both? stop acting like dorks and giving gamers bad reputations. go out and get laid and listen to something besides anime soundtracks and techno. by notaloser
the truth(4:12pm est sat jun 28 2003)
xbox doesnt suck ps2 doesnt suck gamecube sucks by anonymous gamer
why….(4:15am est wed jul 16 2003)
all three of the current age cosoles have their ups and downs. there all 3 great systems and all have great games. theyve also all had games that have been huge worldwide.

final fantasy x ( one of the highest selling games of alltime. )
grand theft auto iii
grand theft auto vice city

halo combat evolved…( won game of the year over ps2 games and gamecube games.
unreal championship.

gamecube( not quite ass good as the other to lol )
the resident evil remake
resident evil zero.
super smash brothers melee.

and they all have games that people are really looking ford to. xbox, will proabably dominate next year though with titles that are only for xbox or pc such as…

halo 2
doom 3
splinter cell 2 ( thats not the actual name )
ghost recon 2 ( also not the actual name. )

and now im just yammering on… but its not easy to say witch system is better. this year, it was playstation 2. next year, it will most likley be xbox ( considering over 1 million copies of halo 2 have been pre ordered scince e3 )
i honestly dont thing nintendo dosent have what it needs to compete with microsoft and sony anymore…there gamecube is to…childish and it cant even play dvd's…blah blah blah…blah by guywhotalkstomuch

oh yeah.(4:22am est wed jul 16 2003)
for the dude that said name 5 games worth buying that are only for xbox.

unreal championship
splinter cell
mech assult
ghost recon
brute force
oddworld munches oddesy ( thats prolly just me )(
project gotham racing
jet set radio future ( i love that game )

yeah! by guywhostilltalksalot

xbox?(12:31am est mon jul 21 2003)
seriously why would you waste your money on one of these, just get a stupid friend to loan it to you, there probly tired of playing halo anywayz, since that is the only game on xbox worth looking at, xbox will soon be out of business cause halo comes out for pc, microsoft tried to make this thing some big powerful machine, but its crap, i havent seen a decent game since halo, as for playstation 2, its great, doesnt weight 50 pounds and it has an assortment of great games, i havent even played a gamecube, its pretty sad, it looks great, i really want to play resident evil, so whats the new xbox gonna be like, 100 pounds? xbox next(newly engineered exercise training). well anywayz gg microsoft, i really hope that you finally learn you cant make a console worth playing. by dunno
nintendo(12:35am est mon jul 21 2003)
nintendo is great, they dont need to compete with microsoft, who does, they are killing themselves with there shitty ass games. maybe nintendo is just taking a break from it all, letting the microsoft just die out because everyone knows it has no chance, i would gladly play regular or super nintendo over the xbox. by dunno
halo champ(12:43am est mon jul 21 2003)
hey its called a computer, there much more useful then an xbox, and i think they can play most those games, btw half-life and counter-strike for xbox, hahahahahahhaahahahah put more of your money in the drain you fucking idiots,i think the only game on there that pc doesnt have is fable, maybe the racing game but who cares, drive cars fast, get gta, its way better. by dunno
x box 2(7:27pm est sat jul 26 2003)
james sez your all f**king k**bs with no social life and tiny penis's…

adam sez ur all sad and boring.u try to make up rumours to be special.well ive got rumours for you-you'll all die virgins you sad sods(p.s.cindy sez lik my crack)
by james&adam

cool site(7:29pm est sat jul 26 2003)
your site is the most amazingly shit site ever. arseholes by andy
good site(7:32pm est sat jul 26 2003)
yes.about the last comment i agree.your shite i meant site is good sorry i meant crud. by 666
bollocks(7:35pm est sat jul 26 2003)
s,bollocks,bollocks,bollocks your such a wanker by bollocks
(7:39pm est sat jul 26 2003)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarse by sex
disgusted(7:43pm est sat jul 26 2003)
i came on this site looking for news on xbox games. i have to say i think it is a disgrace that you allow comments like the above to be posted on your site. i am fully aware of the law and will shut you down via petition if it isn't changed in the next 3 working days. by david hassle
Raspberry Pi Mpeg 2 Crackheads
that guys an arse(7:45pm est sat jul 26 2003)
that guys an arse. that small little sod can piss off its our site now arse hole! by james&adam
james&adam(7:47pm est sat jul 26 2003)
now listen you little pieces of festering vermin. there is no need for foul language/comments like that. your whats wrong with america son. stop fooling around. by david hassle
james&adam and david(7:56pm est sat jul 26 2003)
look u guys this isnt the place for verbal violence.i dont know you but i like the way you think your the ones who spice this site up a bit.i actually sed this site was shit. by andy
nice 1(7:57pm est sat jul 26 2003)
nice 1 andy by james&adam
shut up(7:58pm est sat jul 26 2003)
your all stupid teens. go and get a job! by david hassle
aa(8:02pm est sat jul 26 2003)
aaaa by aa
fgfh(8:03pm est sat jul 26 2003)
aaaaa by asrs
weeeeeeeeee(8:04pm est sat jul 26 2003)
aaaaa by cheese
ty(8:05pm est sat jul 26 2003)
aaaaa by tyytytytytytytytyt
(8:05pm est sat jul 26 2003)
aaaaa by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aa(8:11pm est sat jul 26 2003)














Install nagios client on windows 2008. arse














































by aa

hahahaha(8:12pm est sat jul 26 2003)
















































































arse by hahaha

hahaha(8:47pm est thu aug 07 2003)
p.s. xbox sucks oh and if you don't like what people say on this site get the fuck off by no
must i say more xbox rules ps2 3 drulls(10:57am est wed oct 15 2003)
this vpu is being designed with the latest technologies in mind, such as gddr2 sdram provided by samsung running at 1600 mhz. a 128-bit configuration is capable of providing up to 25.6 gb/s peak bandwidth, while its 256-bit mode brings up to a shocking 51.2gb/s peak bandwidth!!! samsung’s gddr2 256-megabit memory will enable graphics memory cards of 512 mb, althought it is impossible to confirm if the xbox 2 will feature such amount of system memory.
by m$
no matter what the name it'll suck(10:51am est fri oct 17 2003)
ps3 will once again be 5the king of the console wars.xbox should be named “shitbox again”. by master splinter
i like both systems(2:06pm est fri nov 28 2003)
both of the systems are very fun, i admit i do like my xbox better. but my ps2 is still fun. and there is really no “console wars” anyone can buy all of the system, it's not like you can only buy just one system. therefore everyone can enjoy all of them. so please, stop arguing about witch one is best and just know that they are all very good. by equalizer
you all suck ass(7:11pm est thu dec 04 2003)
xbox rocks muther fukers by danny dvs
here this crap all the time(1:06pm est mon dec 15 2003)
people go on about shit box this, shit box that, pc in a box and so on and so on, pisses me off. can you by a pc for 100 pound, no diddnt think so. all you have to do is play the playstation then play the xbox the results and the specs all speak for them selves, and now there are just as many new xbox games coming out as ps2 games if not more. (playstation) the name says it all, playstation its a toy for children and its now an antique – laters
p.s. i also have a cube, pc and a ps2 there is no comparison to the xbox… by thedej
wot xbox(5:13am est fri jan 09 2004)
ps3 rulz i got it by arn
xbox-xerox(1:52pm est thu mar 11 2004)
basically it would make since for the xbox to be a console sole with more features than the ps2 because microsoft had over a year after the ps2 debut to add other features more mem blah blah blah and so on but the point is ps2 was ahead of the race from the start…without the playstation to use for a beta the xbox wouldnt be sh%t! by daplaya
the largest ide hdd that can be installed into a modded xbox?(1:59pm est wed jul 21 2004)
it's dependent on the bios so i(we) need the name that bios (where to grab it) & your largest installed (& working) single hard drive. my uk m8, says there's a bios that goes up to 1tb! however the largest “consumer” ide drive i know of is 300gb. thax…. by totbabhddfxg
xbox(1:42am est mon sep 06 2004)
hey master splinter your fucing anus hole dude, how the hell can you not like xbox ??!! by half demon
??(1:43am est mon sep 06 2004)
i spelled fucking wrong. by half demon
x-box is the best(1:58am est sat sep 25 2004)
only why x-box didnt sell is much as it would is because it didnt come out in japan first like the ps2 did because its american made.or else it would of blown the ps2 off the markets.oh yeah x-box has way better graphics than ps2 and gc we have too buy dvd remotes but you'll ps2 lovers have 2 buy a memory card we can also save music on our hard drive too ps2 cant do that u dumb fucks. so just like the x-box is better than the ps2 the x-box2(xenon)will be way better than the ps3. oh yeah x-box has the best game halo which has been out for 4 years and is still in the top 15.so fuck all u ps2 and gc lovers. by x-box rules
xbox rules bi*ches(3:37pm est tue jan 04 2005)
kiss my xbox ass because they rule by blah blah
this is silly.(9:22am est sat jan 15 2005)
the ps2 compared to the x-box is silly, when did the ps2 come out for gods sakes a long time ago, if the ps3 came out the same time as the x-box they would practically be as good as each other.

the x-box is not a consol, its a pc, wraped up in a nice green shell, i love my x-box graphics there amazing but my pc shits all over them. correct me if im wrong but the ps2 had better graphics that the pc of that time, the x-box plays halo baddly in comparison to pc.

to the ps3 and next x-box, the ps3 will have many fetured that the x-box will not and has graphics that will stand equal at release but over a year ps3 graphics will be better, and now ps3 and new box will have to add hard drives.

the ps3 should be out by now, but they were developing the cell architechure somthing that sony will eventually use in everyhting. blue ray replay, will be awsome.

and gt5 will totally change racing games.

x-box has the advantage it can be updated like a computer leaving it still with above avrage grahpics all the time, but sonys graphics improve over time.

clearly all people screaming x-box rulls, ps3 will own are stuipid different systems, work differently im exited about both but shut the hell up noobs, its anlong making gaming better for us all. by zoooom

Mpeg-2 Player

also pc's are cheaper(9:26am est sat jan 15 2005)
if you know anything by rodger
no idea(9:31am est sat jan 15 2005)
(ps2?) and everything before that. yes, your pc is faster, but the xbox does only games, and therefore probably does it better because it's specialized. your pc has to do games and everything else. – by true logic

but consols played different and better games.
pc owns x-box, i have 256mb vid 4 gig of memory, 1 gig of ram, a computer is so personalized and way more fun, using a mouse. by bling bling

i do not think so(12:04am est sat feb 26 2005)
i really do not think the graphics will be that much better for the next xbox. i think microsoft is just trying to come out with something new to get more money. just like ps3 by dude
current xbox power(8:16pm est thu apr 07 2005)
the next xbox will probably have much better graphics. i mean, it can barely handle the rendering of halo 2's graphics. it usually renders while playing. also, microsoft is doubling bungie's staff for the next halo. that means that the next xbox is going to have better graphics, and will be a more powerful machine overall. by me
best console(12:16pm est sat apr 30 2005)
the only good console is a console that can be hacked and play warezed games and can do more things then it was originally designed for. that is why the x-box is currently better then the ps2. by tim
xbox(2:18pm est thu jun 02 2005)
xbox 360 is way better than ps3 .( all you xbox haters suck eggs) by ha ha
xbox-playstation(1:31pm est sat jun 11 2005)
xbox sucks because they are same graphicl xperience and you ahve to buy new cd's plus they stole dell comp body and ps3 is gonna be better cause it has adanced grpahic play adn go here to see you are all gonn amiss out when you are old age on ps 9!!!

so xbox sucks because 1)waisting money on new games 2) no use for it at all
by zeta_byte

x box vs playstation(2:03am est tue sep 20 2005)
people can bitch and whine wich one is better but i ask you this how much better can it get before its just another computer? by sabin
reason why people argue over consoles(2:34am est tue sep 20 2005)
1.most conlose gamers try there first console and stick to it.
(but my first console was a nintendo but as i aged mario seemed a bit immature so viewed it as a child console)
2.(therefore) what kind of games does the console offer?
3.brand loyalty is hidden mind routine.
(you got brainwashed sorry)
5.why do they hate on xbox?
some view xbox as a unwelcomed foot in the door of an industry that it had no business being in then other then expanding its bank rolls.
6.i tryed gta vice city on xbox and on ps2 and i felt the xbox controller was in bad design hard to use and awkward shaped. but exactly the same graphics.

all in all its boils down to price,
brand loyalty, wether or not you despise microsoft or sony, the maturity of the games availble
and other hardware factors compatable
to the console.

by sabin

ram(2:37am est tue sep 20 2005)
hope you leave enough games for my fist becuase i'm going to ram it into your xbox
by sony
who the f*** is running this site! (2:51am est tue sep 20 2005)
theres a bunch of nonesense on the board! someone typing arse arse arse…
aaaaaaaaa….aaaa etc.
this site maintained by a slum master
or what. stop it! by get los arse holes!
thanks(5:17am est sun jan 08 2006)
this is an excellent site thanks for the information! by andy