Jaikoz Audio Tagged Mac Cracks

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Nov 25, 2010  Jaikoz Audio Tagger.The Jaikoz MP3 Tag Editor is a powerful yet simple to use tool that allows you to organize, edit and correct thousands of songs with ease. Jaikoz has powerful automation features designed to do the hard work for you. Jaikoz uses MusicBrainz, an online database of.

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Jaikoz for Mac updates the metadata of your music files using one of several available online databases. The app comes with a trial mode in which you can edit 20 tracks at once -- during our testing the accuracy was 95 percent. Apart from the minor tagging inaccuracies, the app suffers from a few hindrances and usability problems.

When launching Jaikoz for Mac, you will notice that iTunes will automatically launch as well, but contrary to expectations, the iTunes library will not be automatically loaded; You have to go into settings, and point the app to your Music folder. The main interface looks clean, with filters, customizable toolbar buttons for the most important functions, and drag-and-drop integration for adding tracks. After loading 20 tracks, it took Jaikoz approximately three minutes to match them and suggest updates. When we deliberately introduced duplicate tracks with slightly differing metadata, the app successfully managed to flag them for deletion. Other options include moving deleted tracks to a folder instead of the Trash, setting default actions for each tag when updating from an online database, and configuring detailed autocorrect and word exclusion or replacement rules when auto-updating.


If you have a large music library with missing tags or cover art, a tool like Jaikoz for Mac will help you sort it out. While this premium software does its job well, with a small margin for error, issues like having to press a 'save' button in order to confirm duplicate file deletion make it annoying at times. This app is useful, but there's plenty of room for improvement.


Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of Jaikoz for Mac 6.1.0.

Jaikoz Crack

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